10 best skin care leathers for oily skin skin
He drinks plenty of water
Guiding and hydrated is actually one of the most important things you can do to prevent pimples and bumps. Avoid the sweet drink and try to drink more water during the day. There is not exactly the magic number of liters you need to drink every day, just keep the bottle of water with you all day and sip it whenever you feel need.
Do not overdo makeup
Too much makeup, especially in warm weather, can cause the pores to block, leading to pimples and inflammation. Also, excessive rubbing can dry up the skin. If you wear makeup, you always remove it properly at the end of the day.
You avoid too much artificial sugar or stop completely; Eat fresh fruits and berries instead
Drinking sweet non-alcoholic drinks and exaggerating on chocolate can cause terrible breakouts to your skin. Try to keep healthy snacks, like fresh fruit and berries, and your skin will make it clearer and look brighter.
They have cooler showers
Hot showers can feel good on the muscles after a long day, but our skin is not made to withstand warm water in such a way and can actually remove the natural oils of your skin. Use cold water, while in the bathroom instead, and your skin will be grateful.
If you can not eat it, then it does not apply to your skin
Another good summer skin care advice for women with oily skin is - using natural skin care products. Too much on soaps, lubricants, creams and makeup can remove skin oil is a natural product to stay healthy and clean. Excessing this balance can lead to pimples, rash, dry and even increased sensitivity. They use products with the smallest number of ingredients, and in particular, try to keep natural products, such as oils and natural domestic faces of the mask. If you can not eat it, then it does not apply to your skin, as it absorbs and puts everything on.
Invest in coconut oil
Coconut oil is excellent for cleansing and hydration for your skin, because, unlike most of the shop-bought products, do not discard the balance of your skin. As an additional bonus, it makes wonders for your hair too.
Be the sun smart
Sun Burn can dry out the skin, which can lead to your body trying to overcome it, producing too much oils to suppress, so you will end up with more oilier skin. Make sure to use cream and stay in the shade during the warm hours of the day.
Blot, do not rub
When washing or drying a face, it is better to dab the skin than r; Otherwise, you can end up rubbing with the product you just used or even rubbing natural oil. Your skin is far and irritates the skin. So, always be very gentle!
Exfoliation, but not exaggerated exfoliation
If you do not know, peeling is the removal of dead skin cells from our skin. Use only gentle Scrubs and desirable natural products on your skin. Be careful when exfoliating and avoiding the sun burning or diminishing, as it will hurt and can irritate the skin even more. Once you have finished scrubbing, it is important to moisturize your body, as peeling can dry out the skin.
Use face masks
Using facial treatment, at least once a week or so is a great way to clean and refresh your skin. Again, gluing with natural products will give you the best results, and as a bonus, they can be cheap too. For example, did you know that the yolk is large and nutritious for your skin? All you need to do is apply it to your face with your wadding, avoiding the area around your eyes, and let it dry 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing off. Do not forget to use hot water when washing the mask, or you can cause the egg to cook on your face!