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10 tips for beauty: makeup substitutes

10 tips for beauty: makeup substitutes

1) Have you lost or forgot the lipstick? No worries. Mouse some of your blush or eye shadow with your lip balm or even with cream and apply it on your lips as a lip color using a finger or lip brush. The key is to choose the right shade of color, pink or coral shades will do the perfect job! You can also use Vaseline instead of Lipgloss, applying it at the top of the lipstick for extra gloss, or using it only, it works so well!

2) Have you forgotten your foundation with yourself while traveling, so how to get the perfect skin? Try this: Mick your powder with a creamy face and use it instead of the foundation. Or some other solution - mic your corrector with cream, it will do the job very well.

3) I forgot to pack up the makeup in the bag? Apply a little olive oil to your wad and gently remove the makeup with it. Not only will it help to remove makeup, but also that it will hydrate and soften the skin.
4) Have you left your shaving foam in your other bag? Use hair balm or olive oil to smoothly shave your feet - these two products are wonderful shaving foam replacement, they will leave your skin soft and smooth.

5) The second change for makeup - the baby is erased. You can fearlessly use a baby to brush to remove makeup, they will do a great job of removing even the most oppressive shadow and foundation.

6) Is there a diffuser for your hair dryer? Try to use simple socks - just put a thin sock at the end of your hairdryer (make sure it's a clean sock: P)) and your locks will not be slaughtered!

7) If you have forgotten the password shampoo at home, while packing your travel bag, you can wash your hair using the shower gel, and then, the condition as usual.

8) Where is my blush? No worries! Mimic carmine with some cream and apply it on the apples of your faces. If you want a powder blush, you can apply TENI DLA VEK from the coral or pink tone to your cheeks. Did you know that the shadow could be your blush?

9) Have you forgotten an email? Take your thin brush pads and dip it in your mascara, use the product that is glued on the side of the tube, and use it as an eyeliner. This trick works incredible!

10) You have no eyebrows at hand ... Do not worry! Take your usual hair gel and apply some of them on your brow brush and comp eyebrows with it. Eyebrows will remain well nourished all day!

Hope you were useful! Feel free to share your favorite tips on how to replace makeup products. Stay beautiful!

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