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10 must know bridal makeup

 must know bridal makeup

You always want to make your makeup look good, but on the wedding day, there will be many photos and many people staring at you, so one day you really want to be perfect.

1.Pre-vedding trials

You may already know what kind of look you want for a wedding, but it's important to have a fully dressed rehearsal to make sure it matches your dress and hairstyle. Of course, you do not have to do a complete hairstyle, especially if it will be expensive, but just put it in a similar way, so you can get the full effect. That way, there will be no freak car of the day for your makeup is right.

2. Puffy eyes
If you wake up with Puffy, tired looking for the eyes on the wedding day (and let's be honest, you may have trouble sleeping the night before, if you're nervous), put two metal spoons in the freezer for 2 - 5 minutes. Then apply them to your eyelids in a few minutes. This will improve the appearance of your eyes quickly.

3.Resistant mascara Water
Your wedding day can get emotional and ruin the mascara. Even if you're not usually a crying guy, it's better to be sure than to cure.

4. Surprise the pimples
If you wake up on your wedding day from a pimple, try not to crazy and not pop! It could return with revenge by the end of the day. First thing in the morning, hold a little ice over the area for 30 seconds, then apply a little paste on it. The longer you leave it to, the better, but try for at least half an hour. This is the fastest way to improve the appearance of the pimples. After that, the Concealer is your best friend.

5. Use the primer
Even if it is not a common part of your regiment, applying a primer before the foundation will ensure your skin is smooth and that your foundation will last all day.

6. Make sure that the foundation matches your skin tone
While the good foundation is always important, it's twice as much on the wedding day as you will spend a lot of time in natural light and under the flash camera. Apply a good base with a brush and make sure it fits well into your neck too.

7. Apply a blush
With all the heavy makeup you will wear, it is important to make sure that they always look fresh and do not look like washing in your photos. Apply the blush subtilan in your cheeks to make sure they always look pink, and blend, blend, blend!

8. Eyelash Eyelash
To truly look best in all of your photos, your eyes are one of the most important things to think about. Curl eyelash with slightly warmed eyelash wiker, so the effect lasts all day and applies two generous layers of black mascara; or if it's up to you, go for a fake.

9. Beautiful Eyelids
The other half on the beautiful eyes that your eyelids look like an incredible decision. Apply the white shadow of each eyelet to extract them more in the photos. Then you can apply the Color Eieshad of your choice in your set, but it's probably best to keep brown for a natural look on your big day.

10. Wedding day dress up Emergency Kit
As careful as you are with makeup, something can become dead during the day during the whole chaos, cooking, greeting guests and eating and drinking. Make sure that you have an emergency kit with lipstick, brush dust, a little mirror, nail polish, bobbi pins, and toothpicks, while throwing in some stinging needles. You can never be too ready!

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